Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Lean In: The Key to Personal Growth & Happiness

Turning 30 or 40 (or 50) and finding yourself evaluating your life journey?  Wondering how you might cope better with the inevitable challenges life presents? 

Here are some tidbits you can use to make things a little better...even GOOD.  
Fundamentally, it's a good idea to "lean-in" rather than run away from challenges, obstacles, disappointments.  You can learn much from those things that don't turn out the way we'd like, the way we hoped, the way we expected.   Rather than avoid, ignore, or deny reality, face it with open eyes and open mind. 

Similarly, don't shy away from things that are new, uncomfortable, have you uncertain, that seem scary.  These sorts of situations are the very situations that will help you battle complacency, step beyond your safety zone, and have you continuing to learn and live deeply.  Indeed, you're most alive when you are coping, a bit anxious, stretching to go further.

The trick is in the attitude with which you confront, face the adversity. Personal growth, knowledge, insight comes from being in these very spaces -- in the thick, suffering, lose, struggle, hardship -- that's where you show what you're made of, that's where you shine. 

At it's core, the proper attitude to have includes an acceptance that struggle is universal, suffering is universal. It's simply part of the human condition. And as more than one wise person has said, by accepting, you transcend and are not longer chained down by the difficulty.

Profound experiences result from that effort, that attitude of acceptance, openness, and commitment to adjust and grow.

I shared these "five plus one" ideas I've collected with a friend recently and now share here to summarize actionable items that can help:

1)  Use the usual life benchmarks as guides, not measurements for success in life, work or personal

2)  Strive for a resilient attitude in the face of adversity -- this will help create positive perspective, impressions, outcomes.

3)  Be ready to respond to new opportunities and have the courage to do so

4)  Be hopeful so that you're ready for those opportunities

5)  Keep learning

Bonus:  Be Happy (it's a choice!) 

So next time you're faced with adversity, pause for a moment, take a few deep breaths, allow any negative emotion to pass through you, and lean-in -- you, and everyone around you, will be better off.